Vladislav Gális 1973 Translator from English, and journalist Travels in the Scriptorium Vintage of Paul Auster: mysterious texts, fluid identities, a hidden past, and, somewhere, an obscure tormentor. Sunset Park Luminous, passionate, expansive, an emotional tour de force The Surfacing A ship trapped in Arctic pack ice with a pregnant stowaway on board is the setting for an essentially psychological novel Dinner at the center of the earth In a sense, it's a political thriller which becomes a metaphysical with features of magic realism or even a historical novel and then grows into a love story. And when you find yourself in this love story, you will find it an allegory. Baumgartner Sy Baumgartner found and then lost the kind of love you never recover from. He is learning to live alone - and in order to bear it, he interprets reality with memories and episodes from his marriage, from his childhood, from texts written by him and his w