
Fedor Gál

Fedor Gál's aphorisms, with photographic collages by Miro Švolík present a message at the end of life.

Fedor wrote to us: "I have put together the text, and its base are the aphorisms that I wrote from the summer to the end of 2017. I have added a few aphorisms as a personal message in the final of my life, and the central idea seems to be "a part and a whole".

Miro Švolík is just putting together five photographic collages. The first is called "365" and the last "One". It will probably be a progressively focussed mosaic of photos that were created while filming of A short long journey.

I have a graphic designer in my mind (Milan Nedvěd) - a young guy who is signed under books that win prizes. He is currently working on the monography of Štrejta. It seems to me that it could be a booklet. " So this book was created.

Fedor Gál (1945)

Sociologist and the forecaster, co-founder of the Public against violence, founder of publishing house G plus G. More.

Miroslav Švolík (1960)

Miro Švolík has spent decades creating conceptual work that explores that human form in space. Probably best known for his overhead photographs of groups, Miro truly knows how to see the big picture. Miro Švolík was born in Zlate Moravce, Slovakia, in 1960. For 4 years, he studied Applied Photography at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Bratislava, (graduated in 1979), and, thereafter, for six years, at the FAMU Film and TV School of the Academy ... More.


Milan Nedvěd (1978)

Milan has 10 years of digital experience. Since 2000 he has worked for various clients, studios and advertising agencies. In 2010 he obtained Bachelor´s degree in graphic design with First class honour from Teesside University (UK). He is currently ... More.